Wij ontvingen onderstaande vraag. Belangrijk is natuurlijk dat wie dit wil doen vlot Engels verstaat en spreekt, aangezien dat de voertaal van het interview zal zijn. Contacteren doe je best via mail en laat hen jou opbellen. Duchenne Parent Project ontving deze vraag en geeft deze door, maar neemt verder geen verantwoordelijkheid in het verder verloop.
Hi Everyone,
If you are a patient or a caregiver of a patient with DMD, I would love to hear from you. I work for a company called Atheneum Partners, and we are working in conjunction with a healthcare consulting firm on a research study about DMD. We are looking to speak with patients and caregivers to better understand the patient's perspective of their journey. The topics of interest include: Understanding everyday life hurdles, initial diagnosis reaction, how certain treatments made you feel, and key unmet needs. All information regarding what you say and who you are will remain confidential as well as unknown to the research sponsor.
We are looking to have a 30-minute phone conversations and we would love to offer 100 EUR to patients who participate. Please do not hesitate to contact me at your earliest convenience. My email is aditya.poddar@atheneum-partners.com and direct line is +4930679661495. Once connecting with the potential participants, we will ask a brief (<5 minute) screener to confirm you qualify, at which time we will also schedule a 30-minute call.
I am sure many of you have additional questions so please do not hesitate to ask!
Kind Regards,